
Los Angeles Homeless Camp Closes

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I was really disappointed to read and hear about the homeless campground closing (Metro, Sept. 25-26). I thought it was a great idea. The Los Angeles City Council should be commended for making it happen. Now I hope they will be able to find another location and help provide some shelter for the homeless during the coming winter months, especially.

But, of course, this is only a temporary solution. The cities, counties, states and our federal government should study ways of finding a permanent solution to this problem.

The government should find ways to train these people who can be trained for jobs. We should provide permanent care for those that are mentally, emotionally or physically handicapped and provide a decent place for them to live.


Then we must provide jobs for the others by training them for work in the private sector and even having “make work” jobs for the unemployed if none can be found in the private sector.

A job should be provided for every able-bodied person who wants one, and for those who refuse to work, the churches and charities should provide for them.


