
Local News in Brief : Burbank ‘Town Hall’ Focuses on Disney Plan

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A proposed multimillion-dollar entertainment and office complex to be built in Burbank by the Walt Disney Co. was the main topic at Thursday’s “Town Hall” meeting hosted by Burbank Mayor Michael R. Hastings.

Although Hastings had called the meeting to answer questions about his proposal to control residential and commercial development, most of the about 600 people who packed the Jordan Junior High School Auditorium wanted to talk about the Disney project.

In advertising the meeting, Hastings had used the slogan, “If you like what’s happening in Burbank, don’t come.”


The Walt Disney Co. and Burbank entered into a tentative agreement in May for the development of the project on 40 acres of downtown property.

Several of those attending questioned Hastings on specifics of the project, and the mayor spent much of the two-hour meeting defending the council’s decision to enter into exclusive negotiations with Disney.

The Burbank City Council is expected to hear a report next week by Disney officials on the progress of their research into developing the complex. Hastings stressed that a formal agreement has not yet been reached.


Hastings said he will continue to push for ordinances for density limits in residential neighborhoods and for height restrictions on high-rise office buildings near neighborhoods of single-family residences.
