
Usher Not a Candidate for USOC Job

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Harry Usher, who was executive vice president of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, has withdrawn his name from consideration as executive director of the United States Olympic Committee, a source said Friday.

Usher, selected as one of four finalists by a USOC search committee, declined to be interviewed for the job, saying that he was not interested in leaving his current position as president of Weintraub International.

Harvey Schiller, commissioner of the Southeastern Conference and a USOC executive board member, remains the leading candidate. He was in Colorado Springs Wednesday to meet with USOC officers.


Other candidates include Joe Bailey, an executive with the Dallas Cowboys, and Mike Jacki, executive director of the U.S. Gymnastics Federation.

The search committee will recommend one of the candidates to the USOC’s executive board, which is expected to vote on the recommendation at a meeting next weekend in Oklahoma City.

The position became vacant Aug. 24 when Gen. George Miller resigned under pressure.
