
Unfair Criticism

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In response to Janny Scott’s article, “Crenshaw No Stranger to Controversy,” Oct. 4, 1987, I feel Scott is unnecessarily critical of Dr. Crenshaw’s demonstrated commitment and expertise. The importance of Crenshaw’s work--to clarify fact from myth and advise accordingly--is completely overlooked. The salient issues of AIDS awareness get lost in the allegations.

What Theresa has done is take me and our company that critical step beyond watching friends die. Dr. Crenshaw is my friend of more than 30 years and, most recently, a personal consultant on issues of corporate involvement in AIDS education. She has helped me grasp the breadth of the disease, its pathology and issues. At a corporate level, she has been the catalyst in helping me mobilize myself and Esprit’s resources on behalf of AIDS. Dr. Crenshaw’s advice was influential in establishing an ongoing corporate program committed to informing our employees, customers and community of the disease.

I do not necessarily espouse all of Dr. Crenshaw’s opinions, nor do I nit-pick at the worth of her particular credentials. I believe the decisions we face as a society are best left to the individual. What is important for all of us is to question our priorities professionally and personally. Dr. Crenshaw has my highest regard for that reason if for nothing at all.



Co-owner Esprit De Corp.
