
Here Is the Lowdown on Jayhawks: They’re in Class by Themselves : THE COLLEGES

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It was open season on Mildcats, with No. 2 Kansas State, No. 6 Arizona, and No. 19 Kentucky perishing. Oddly enough, only the slow-footed Northwestern species survived, gumming Wisconsin, 27-24. In a moving tribute to Northwestern (1-5-1) afterward, Wisconsin Coach Don Morton said: “How low do we have to go?”

Kansas State at least had the consolation of shaming the oddsmakers. A 54-point underdog, K-State dropped a 3-56 squeaker to Nebraska. Shaken Cornhusker players said later that even winning a national championship now wouldn’t make up for their dismal showing Saturday.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 29, 1987 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday October 29, 1987 Home Edition Sports Part 3 Page 12 Column 4 Sports Desk 4 inches; 136 words Type of Material: Correction
In the pro football column in Wednesday’s editions of The Times, it was erroneously reported that Eric Dickerson would lose a substantial portion of his 1988 salary if he were injured this year and could not play because of it.
In fact, one of the provisions in Dickerson’s contract extension of 1985 called for the team to take out a $3-million insurance policy to protect Dickerson against just that possibility.
Dickerson added another $1 million in coverage himself, bringing the total to $4 million, or $1 million for each year of his contract, which runs through the 1989 season.
If Dickerson were to miss the remaining nine games of this season, he would receive $562,500, or 9/16 of $1 million.
If he missed all of next season, he would receive $1 million.
Although Dickerson’s contract calls for him to receive an average of $683,000 a season through 1989, the total package is worth more than $900,000 a year because the contract extension included a $500,000 signing bonus.

K-State fell into a second-place tie with sad-sack Michigan (4-3), loser of 66% of its games over the past three weeks. The Wolverines were doubly humiliated by Indiana’s Joe Huff, who tackled Michigan ballcarrier Demetrius Brown, then grabbed the towel that Brown was wearing and waved it at the crowd. Luckily, the crowd gave a thumbs-up verdict.


Meanwhile, Kansas (1-6) assumed the solo lead of the Bottom Ten. Interestingly enough, the Jayhawkers, who have been trounced by Kent State and Louisiana Tech, are also ranked No. 9 in the Division I-AA Bottom Ten (which currently appears in no newspapers).

The Rankings:

Team, Record Last Loss Next Loss 1. Kansas (1-6) 28-42, Iowa State Oklahoma 2. (Tie)K-State(0-7) 3-56, Nebraska Oklahoma St. 2. Michigan (4-3) 10-14, Indiana Northwestern 4. Houston (1-5) 17-21, Arkansas TCU 5. Ga. Tech (2-5) 15-29, Tennessee Duke 6. Arizona (3-3-1) 28-45, Wash. St Stanford 7. Wisconsin (2-5) 24-27, N’western Purdon’t 8. Otherrams*(1-6) Def. N.Mexico Wyoming 9. VMI (3-4) 7-42, Marshall Mary** 10. Pert Miss (3-5) Def. Vandy, 42-14 LSU

11. Texas of El (Once Again) Intercepted Paso (5-2); 12. USC vs. Notre Dame (1983-87) (0-5); 13. Nevada (Circus Circus) (2-4); 14.-17. Pentagon (Army, Navy, Air Force, Akron) (11-19); 18, SMU (0-0); 19. Kentucky (4-3); 20. This Space for Rent.


*Colorado State.

**William’s idle.

ROUT OF THE WEEK: State of Oklahoma (13-1) over state of Kansas (1-13).

CRUMMY GAME OF THE WEEK: Wisconsin (2-5) at Purdon’t (1-5-1).

THE PROS Haunted by the threat of a strike by the Eric Dickerson Player Union, the Rams hit rock bottom. The odd thing about Dickerson’s dispute is that, at $675,000 per year, he is the league’s highest-paid substitute back.

Speaking of rocks, Irwindale was only a few layers away from the Rams in the Bottom Ten after a 35-13 whipping by Seattle. The easy thing to do would be to blame Raider quarterback Rusty Hilger for the loss. So let’s do it.

About the only consolation for local fans was the victory by the Los Angeles Colts over the Chicago Panthers in the American Polo League championships at the local Equidome. (Chicago was hampered by the refusal of management to allow star William Perry on a horse until he gets below 350 pounds).


Elsewhere, it was a bad week for Jacksonville, which learned it isn’t obtaining the Houston Oilers franchise. But civic officials were encouraged when Brian Bosworth said he might consider moving his Seattle team there.

The Rankings:

Team, Record Last Loss Next Loss 1. Rams (1-5) 17-30, Cleveland SanFrncsco* 2. Dallas (3-3) 20-37, Philly N.Y.Ants 3. Miami (2-4) 31-34, Buffalo Pitt 4. K.C. Leafs (1-5) 21-42, San Diego Chicago 5. Irwindale (3-3) 44-Boz, Inc. New England

6. N.Y. Ants (1-5); 7. Cincinnati (2-4); 8. Denver (Regulars) (1-1-1); 9. Jacksonville (0-0 indefinitely); 10. St. Louis (Pick one: NL, NFL or NHL entry).

*Fund-raiser to benefit Eric Dickerson.

CRUMMY GAME OF THE WEEK: N.Y. Ants (1-5) at Dallas (3-3).

NOW IT CAN BE TOLD: Pittsburgh’s Bubby Brister claimed he was demoted from second- to third-string quarterback for refusing to play during the strike. Actually, the Steelers are heeding the tradition that says no National Football League team can be led by a man named Bubby.
