
Bail Refused for Man Accused of Slaying Spring Valley Couple

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Citing the potential danger to the community, a judge again refused to set bail Friday for a Spring Valley man charged with murdering a couple and wounding two others.

The attorney for Francisco Urias Uriarte, 31, had urged that a $50,000 bail be set.

Uriarte is accused of killing Jeffrey Constantino, 37, and his wife, Nancy Constantino, 36, who were visiting John Alva, 33, before the Oct. 15 shootings. Alva and a neighbor, Thomas Eberwein, 32, were wounded.

“I think this is an appropriate case for no bail,” San Diego Municipal Judge Melinda Lasater said.


Uriarte’s attorney, Gerson Horn of Beverly Hills, has said the shootings occurred because his client was in “a delusional state.” Horn said Uriarte thought his wife was being held captive in the Constantinos’ apartment.

Deputy Dist. Atty. Greg Walden said in court that tests have shown Uriarte was under the influence of a drug at the time of the shootings. Afterward, he said Uriarte had been using cocaine.

Walden said his office is now leaning toward filing special circumstances allegations against Uriarte, which could subject him to the death penalty if convicted.


The judge cited as reasons for denying bail the potential harm to others and Uriarte’s flight risk because of his ties to Mexico.

Uriarte’s wife, Elvira Urias, appeared in court, but did not speak. They have been married 10 years.

Uriarte sells diapers at swap meets and from his home, according to court records.

Uriarte faces a Dec. 1 preliminary hearing.
