
‘If Peace Breaks Out’

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Now that The Times has seen fit to become a propagandist organ for the Sandinistas of Nicaragua using Mario Arana’s article (Oct. 26) festooned with a cartoon from the Sandinista newspaper Barricada that distorts reality in so vile a fashion . . . well, perhaps a little truth is in order.

Be advised of this. Ronald Reagan did not close down the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the Los Angeles Times when you criticized him. Reagan did not shut down 22 radio stations, nor did he fire and imprison TV newsmen Dan Rather and Sam Donaldson, and then take over all of the television stations. Reagan did not hire and order “Divine Mobs” to terrorize the Democrats and toss House Speaker Jim Wright (D-Texas) and Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) into jail.

Reagan did none of these things. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista cronies did all of these things. If a fair and open election is ever held in Nicaragua, you can wave bye-bye to Ortega and his Sandinista butchers.



San Diego
