
‘Global Glue Is Up to Us’

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Your recommendation that the United States should reduce its budget deficit (“Global Glue Is Up To Us, “ Editorial, Oct. 31) was appropriately printed on Halloween. Do I understand this editorial correctly--that West Germany and Japan are really concerned about our deficit spending?

Ironically, the United States undertook massive deficit spending to stop the heinous crimes perpetuated by these countries and defeated them in World War II. Then we poured billions of dollars into these countries during the postwar period to rebuild their industry and economy; these dollars could have been used to reduce our sizable World War II debt. Finally, we have stationed our armed forces in Europe and the Far East at our sole cost to provide defense for these countries against communist aggression.

Presently these countries enjoy a huge trade surplus with our country, secured in part by restrictions on imports of U.S. products, and yet they have the unmitigated gall to criticize our budget deficit. Where was the hue and cry about budget deficits when they were on the receiving end after World War II?


Shame on you, Los Angeles Times, for joining forces with them!


La Canada
