
Making a Good Symphony Better

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Iam frankly shocked reading your lengthy article under the heading of “Symphony’s Local Talent Finds Itself Out of Tune.” It is inevitable that in a time of attempted cultural development, the old adage holds true that the better is the enemy of the good. If one wants to improve an orchestra, no other way can be found than to replace good players with better players.

Frank Salazar is a thorough musician whose aim it is to bring to the public good music and who has worked diligently in this endeavor. He is a man of modesty who does not claim to be a Toscanini, a Klemperer or a Furtwangler, but who has succeeded and is continuing to succeed in bringing musical stimulation to the ever-growing population of Ventura County, whose appetite for good music is growing proportionately.

No one disputes that any conductor at times faces technical difficulties. They are human beings after all, and not machines. Ventura County can consider itself lucky to have Frank Salazar.




Making a Good Symphony Better
