
Making a Good Symphony Better

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In regard to the Oct. 29 article headlined “Symphony’s Local Talent Finds Itself Out of Tune,” the reporter did not understand the whole picture and reported the comments of a few malcontents as if they represent a large segment of Ventura music lovers.

The basic reality is that one person built the Ventura Symphony to its present status of “metropolitan orchestra.” As educator and musician, he has engendered only excellence. Frank Salazar does not deserve the connotation that he is a somehow inferior musician, nor printing of the tactless remarks of his new factotum as if they represent some reality.

It is a shame to print subtle put-downs, when the entire community feels so grateful to Salazar for his tireless dedication and devotion, and the high caliber of his programs. He has truly educated this community to the understanding and enjoyment of fine music. He deserves an accolade, not a subtly slurring story.


The reporter elevated disgruntled gripes to the level of news. Poor, inadequate coverage is the real story. I would give that reporter a C minus in my journalism class. She got a small part of the story, out of context and reference.


