
Insurance Fine Print

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The Oct. 25 article by Toni Taylor on the fine print in travel insurance policies should be required reading for all seniors about to commit their funds to a trip. Insurance is a high commission item on a salesperson’s agenda and it is routinely presented to all travelers. It is an excellent idea, and in most cases well worth the mental comfort that it affords. But that fine print:

We used trip cancellation insurance issued by a reputable company. My husband was stricken with really debilitating vertigo the afternoon before we were to sail on a cruise. I asked the hotel if a house physician was available. A taxi to the Georgetown University Hospital emergency clinic was suggested. I called the cruise line representative and canceled. Full cancellation fee imposed.

We flew home (it was June) and did medical tests, with the dizziness continuing for about 10 days. The insurance investigation continued, with three sets of supporting papers, until a check was received the first week of October for the major part of the sum. I didn’t fuss; it all took too long and too much nuisance. I was just glad ever to see (the check).


A friend is reporting a similar experience, and no check yet. Proof, proof, small-print definitions, and more proof. Just read all the way through and then do a reread before signing and paying the substantial fee.


