
Transient Charged in Man’s Death

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A transient who allegedly punched an elderly man who died nine days later was arrested Sunday on suspicion of homicide by San Diego police.

The arrest stems from an incident that occurred Nov. 1, when the suspect, Dewayne Whitfield, 27, approached 73-year-old Chester Cody and his wife as they sat on a bus-stop bench near Balboa Park to ask for money, police said.

When the Codys refused to give him money, Whitfield left, but returned later and, without further words being exchanged, punched Cody in the left eye, police said.


A taxi driver who witnessed the incident called police, but when officers arrived, Cody said that he did not want to press charges. Whitfield, however, became violent with the officers and was taken to the county mental health hospital for evaluation.

About 45 minutes later, Cody experienced weakness in the right side of his body. Paramedics were called, but when they arrived, Cody declined treatment. Cody’s condition continued to worsen, however, and paramedics returned and took him to Sharp Memorial Hospital.

Cody’s health continued to decline in the hospital, where he lapsed into a coma last Monday and died the next day.


Whitfield was arrested early Sunday morning by two San Diego police officers who spotted him near Balboa Park, and was taken to County Jail, where he was booked on homicide charges.
