
As far as Long Beach police could...

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<i> From Staff and Wire Reports</i>

As far as Long Beach police could tell, most of the Deadheads were out of town Monday following the last of three weekend rock concerts by their beloved--but aging--Grateful Dead at the Long Beach Arena.

The final score: 79 arrests, mostly for drugs. “LSD, mushrooms, marijuana, alcohol and a combination of those,” reported Sgt. Richard Wood, who nevertheless concluded, “I don’t believe there was a major problem.”

Another sergeant, Marc Pickens, noted that some of the 14,500 who attended the concerts were “running around nude.” He saw it as “a return to the ‘60s” when the Grateful Dead rocketed to popularity with the hallucinogenic set.


While the concerts were in progress, Lt. Rod Michelson had observed, “We’ve probably got every weirdo here from 200 miles around. They’re talking to trees and plants. . . .”

It was, in Wood’s words, “quite an event.”

About 100 fans with sentiment rooted in a less mind-bending era went to Hollywood Memorial Park on Monday to mark the 29th anniversary of the death of film star Tyrone Power. The annual event is organized by the same publicist who coordinates a similar gathering every year to mourn Rudolph Valentino.

Among those paying tribute to Power were American Indian actor Iron Eyes Cody, who performed “The Great Spirit” dance, and a Marine Corps color guard. Power was a Marine pilot in World War II.


Just as she and a few others have done at the Valentino crypt in the same cemetery since the original “Woman in Black” made it de rigueur , Estrellita Del Regil showed up in a black dress to place a white carnation on the Power tomb.

Publicist Bud Testa said he was asked by some film industry figures years ago to organize the annual Power commemoration. “He was a very popular actor and there are still a lot of people alive who cherish his memory,” said Testa, who admits that although he enjoyed Power’s movies, he was not what one might call a Power enthusiast.

Taryn Power, the actor’s daughter by his second wife, Linda Christian, was at the ceremony and said she was “amazed” at the number of fans who come back every year.


Ute Humberg said she came all the way from West Germany for the event. She said she had seen Power on television and “he means very much to me.” Then she admitted, “It’s a crazy thing. I know it.”

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies who crawled 200 feet on their bellies through thick, tall brush to reach a hiker stranded on a treacherous ledge in the San Gabriel Mountains have found out why he was there in the first place:

“He went up there to think things out,” Sgt. Joaquin Herran said of Jeffrey Mauch, 23, of Newport Beach. “We have a lot of those up there.”

According to Herran, who led the rescue, Mauch went hiking to mull over family troubles. “He’s not the first one that got up there and walked too far and in the wrong way, thinking about their problems, and got lost,” Herran said.

Mauch, a machine operator, was trapped on the ledge high in Santa Anita Canyon for nearly four days without food or water. He was airlifted early Sunday to Arcadia Methodist Hospital, where he was reported “in good shape.”

Making do: A $250-per-person fund-raising dinner for state Sen. Ed Davis (R-Northridge) at the Sheraton Universal the other night seemed planned down to the last detail--even to special wine glasses embossed with the state seal and Davis’ signature.


When Davis campaign co-chairman H.F. (Bert) Boeckmann summoned fellow co-chairman Monty Roberts to lead the 550 dinner guests in the Pledge of Allegiance, however, it was discovered that there was no American flag in the grand ballroom.

“How about saluting an imaginary flag?” Boeckmann suggested.

Which is what they did.

Among the stories told about former Los Angeles Police Chief Davis at the dinner was one by his younger sister, Mary Litchfield, who recalled going on a double date with him in a Model A Ford. Her date, upon whom she had a crush, put his arm around her in the back seat.

Her protective older brother, she recalled, said, “Any fellow who puts his arm around my sister is going to marry her.”

The boy took his arm away immediately, Litchfield said. “Who wants to marry a 14-year-old girl?”
