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I would like to take the opportunity to commend staff writer Carol McGraw and Times research librarian Susanna Shuster for the excellent work they produced on “Bewitching: Covens of the ‘80s” (Metro, Oct. 31). The information was accurate, and presented in a sensitive, responsible manner. This is a significant achievement, considering the centuries of misinformation, most of it maliciously motivated, which obscure the present-day religion of Wicce as well as the ancient beliefs which it encompasses.

Given the fact that sensationalism sells copy and boosts ratings while responsible journalism often does not, it is always a pleasure to read a balanced, accurate report on a topic that others have chosen to misrepresent and exploit. Hopefully, this honest discussion of the craft will counterbalance the annual regurgitation of grade-B “witchcraft” movies on film and television, which only serve to purvey a twisted brew of sex, violence and religious bigotry.


