
Social Security and Slashing the Deficit

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Your editorial “Monster Politics” (Nov. 17) is just another example of Pogo’s classic remark, “I have seen the enemy, and he is us!”

How dare you even consider the possibility of holding back a minuscule increase in Social Security benefits just to help balance the budget? Isn’t it bad enough that the retired over age 65 have little enough as it is, without taking away even more from them?

If Congress and the President were truly sincere about reducing the deficit, then why don’t they consider a ceiling on salaries for defense contractors and not allow deductions for private corporate jets!


I am sorry, but our nation is the only one in the world that secretly hopes no one reaches retirement age because we might have to give them back some of the benefits they contributed to for many long years. As far as I am concerned, let’s take care of those Americans over 65 first.


Los Angeles
