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Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc., the new company resulting from the combination of the the entertainment business sector of Coca-Cola Co. with Tri-Star Pictures Inc., has designated several new officers. Lewis J. Korman has been named senior executive vice president and will be involved in all aspects of the company. In addition, the chief financial officer, general counsel and Loews theatrical operation will report to Korman. Arnold W. Messer has been named executive vice president and will oversee television operations, home video and ancillary markets. Lawrence J. Ruisi has been named senior vice president and chief financial officer, and Jay Walkingshaw, senior vice president. Other new officers include Victoria Shaw Cohen, vice president and secretary; Susan B. Garelli, vice president-personnel; Jay M. Green, vice president, controller and chief accounting officer, and Kenneth S. Williams, vice president and treasurer.

David A. Matalon has been named president of the Tri-Star Pictures unit. Patrick M. Williamson will head a newly organized worldwide theatrical services unit.
