
Limiting Growth in the Southland

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I am 25. I grew up in Laguna Beach for 24 years. In the last 15 years I have witnessed the degradation of hills, valleys and creeks by men like Weiss. We see more and more wildlife killed by traffic on our streets and highways because they are being pushed out of their own ecological niches. However, the wildlife killed on the road is but a fraction of the thousands of reptiles, mammals, amphibians and birds ousted from their home by these money-hungry zealots.

As a biologist I say to you Mr. Weiss: Human beings do not own this land, we share it. Not just with the deer and the cute fuzzy animals we so love, but also with the ugly frogs, stinkbugs and cockroaches.

By the way, I no longer live in Orange County because not only did you people drive away the wildlife, you drove away a lot of disgusted long-time locals as well. I hope and pray that someday the sane will prevail and bring this land raping to an abrupt end!



Simi Valley
