
Sex Harassment

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After all the rhetoric about “sexual revolution” and “equality in the work force,” we still must face the archaic mentality of some male employees who have not evolved. Their boorish sense of humor and their immature dependence on others for any sense of esteem are reflected in stupid, senseless acts toward women working with them. And they are humored and encouraged by equally insensitive co-workers until the woman must leave her post or break. Why don’t they exert as much effort on new male co-workers? Why don’t they exert as much energy on helping their fellow employees to adjust to department policy and personnel?

Teasing and ridiculing are the actions of bullies and little boys. Our Los Angeles Police Department may benefit by humor in uniform but never at the price of someone else’s self-esteem. Their harassment of a female officer (Metro, Nov. 14) is not humorous. It is disgraceful.

Although Cynthia Juarez has suffered from this abusive treatment by her fellow officers, her efforts to expose them may benefit future women officers. If our civic leaders have kept abreast of changing attitudes about women in nontraditional roles, I hope to see support for victims like Juarez. I also hope to see juvenile, insensitive macho creatures dealt a punishing blow. We don’t need such people representing our LAPD. Let them find a job where their jokes and digs may be appreciated--digging ditches in Iceland.



