
Norwalk : Mid-Density Zone Proposed

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A new medium-density zone for apartments and town houses would be established under a general plan amendment approved by the Norwalk Planning Commission and sent to the City Council for review.

As many as 16 units per acre could be built in the medium-density areas, compared to none units per acre in the city’s single-family zone. The commission also unanimously voted to lower the maximum number of units allowed in Norwalk’s high-density zone, from 26 to 22 units per acre.

The commission’s action comes after months of study and hearings. If the council approves the general plan changes, planners will then consider the rezoning of certain sections of the city. Thus far commissioners have taken up only one area, in the vicinity of Barnwall Street. They are recommending that part of the neighborhood--now zoned for apartments but developed with single-family homes--be given a single-family zone classification. Another section, now zoned high-density, would be zoned for medium-density development under the commission recommendations.
