
‘Medi-Cal Under Fire’

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Regarding your recent news article on medical costs and maternity care to illegal aliens, it seems that the righteous efficiency of state auditors (who wear their value-free blinders so well) is quite astounding. In their dutiful efforts to deny health-care coverage to illegal aliens while supposedly protecting our public dollars, the Deukmejian regime once again demonstrates its firm commitment to humane health care and expedient justice.

According to this “noble” standard of public health policy, undocumented non-Medi-Cal cardholders can apparently use the back alleys of California for their necessary obstetrical care, while the insured and privileged will have private hospital beds for their new babies.

It is reassuring to know that the California public will be protected from having to share their scarce public and private hospital beds with this new class of “untouchables.”



W. Hollywood
