
Local News in Brief : Santa Ana : Woman Injured When Train Backs Into Car

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An Orange woman escaped serious injury Wednesday when her car was struck by a train that was backing up at a railroad intersection.

Hae Ok Hwang, 43, who was reported in fair condition, was taken to Coastal Communities Hospital following the 5:17 p.m. accident in the 3500 block of W. MacArthur Boulevard. She was the only occupant of her subcompact vehicle.

Police Cpl. Frank Browne said the accident occurred when Hwang tried to drive across the railroad tracks while the red warning lights were flashing. Her vehicle was struck by a Southern Pacific train which was backing up at the time, Browne said. The vehicle was carried about 100 feet before the rear conductor could alert the engineer to stop the train, Officer Carlos Carrillo said.


The woman’s vehicle was destroyed and Carrillo said that any passengers aboard might have been killed.

“She was very lucky,” Carrillo said.
