
By and large, San Diego stocks were...

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By and large, San Diego stocks were not the place for investors to be in 1987, said Irving Katz, director of research at Thomas Green/San Diego Securities Inc.

Broadly speaking, the Oct. 19 crash wiped out most of the year’s gains, turning what would have been a record year into a so-so one. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard & Poor’s 500 average, for example, were both up a little more than 2% for the year, while the NASDAQ over-the-counter composite declined 5.3%.

But the 77 San Diego stocks listed on the weekly stock chart figured as composite averages fared even worse than the major averages.


The complete San Diego stock list was down 19.6% on the year with the 25 locally based companies listed on the New York and American stock exchanges down 19%.

“Thirteen stocks were up for the year, and of those, two are acquisition candidates,” Katz said, referring to Linear Corp., up 37.1% and Northview Corp., up 70.8%. The outstanding gainer among San Diego stocks was Molecular Biosystems, up 145% as it closed 1987 at $13.50, up from 5 at year-end 1986.

Other good gainers included BSD Bancorp, up 79%; La Jolla Bancorp, up 23.8%; CCT Corp., up 86%; Fisher Scientific Group, up 39.6%, and Monitor Technologies, up 31.3%. Oak Industries showed a gain of 45.5% as it moved from 7/8 to 1 1/4.


Of the remaining stocks on our list, 64 were all down for the year, with major downward moves suffered by Rohr Industries, down 44.4 %; Titan Corp., down 52.8%; Guild Mortgage Investments, down 65.6%; IRT Corp., down 73.5%, and Western Health Plans, down 54.5%.

Other big losers included Beeba’s Creations, down 44.9%; Cipher Data Products, down 46.1%; Cousins Home Furnishings, down 64%; Energy Factors, down 58.7%, and International Robomation Intelligence, down 68.2%.

Kaypro was down 45.5%; Medical Imaging Centers of America, down 61.4%; Pancretec, down 50%, and Telequest was down 54.2%.


The honors for largest percentage drop among San Diego stocks go to Women’s Health Care Centers, the stock of which tumbled 93.3%, from 1 7/8 to 1/8.

San Diego companies that held initial public offerings in 1987 fared just as badly with Foodmaker down 31.5%; Advanced Marketing Systems, down 42.3%; Agouron Pharmaceuticals, down 20%; Gascard Club, down 65%; Gen-Probe, down 10.7%; Mycogen, down 50%, and Xscribe, down 59.4%.
