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I’m leaving Los Angeles so this is goodby. You don’t know me but I know you, so I want to thank you for 30 years of morning reading and for the ability to say, “I read in the L.A. Times”--something to prove my point.

I came “temporarily” to Los Angeles. I came to love what I disliked intensely when I arrived on a gray May morning in 1950. I came just before the Red Cars were on their last tracks.

You were a great part of making me “Love L.A.” There is so much to remember that is now changed or gone, replaced by new cultures which will make memories for new people.


The Times has led our family to many places--the Music Center, museums, observatories, beaches and on and on. I know Los Angeles and all its freeways. I can get anywhere from anywhere. I am never lost (for long) in Southern California.

It’s time to move on. Maybe I’ll occasionally pick up The Times to see if it’s still the same old crazy, innovative, great newspaper. I’ll miss you. Thank you.


Redondo Beach
