
Reagan Aide Raps Dodd for Contra Stance

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Associated Press

President Reagan’s chief spokesman today accused a Democratic critic of Administration Central America policy of advocating a surrender by the Contra rebels resisting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Spokesman Marlin Fitzwater, bristling under questioning by reporters about statements Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) made about the Administration’s new push for additional aid for the Contras, said the senator “was all over television . . . saying we just don’t want peace and we don’t want the peace plan, and that’s outrageous and it’s not true, and I’m not going to stand for it.”

Give It a Try--Dodd

Earlier, Dodd, appearing on NBC-TV’s “Today” show, said the Administration “ought to at least see whether or not that peace process can succeed” before it presses for more Contra aid.


Asked today whether the Administration was trying to sabotage the peace plan in Central America, Fitzwater replied: “That’s absolutely untrue. What we want is a continuation of the Central American peace process.

“The Democrats, Chris Dodd and others, they want a surrender,” he said. “They think surrender is the best way to achieve peace. We disagree.”

“We believe a strong resistance force is the best pressure for peace,” Fitzwater added. Chris Dodd does not. He thinks that if they lay down their arms, that (Nicaraguan President) Daniel Ortega will do all the right things, and we doubt it.”


Reagan Appeals for Funds

Later today, Reagan pleaded for approval of additional money for the Nicaraguan rebels in a pep talk to private citizens who have been supportive of his Central America policy.

Reagan said he welcomes statements by Ortega suggesting a willingness to abide by provisions of the Guatemala City peace plan.

But, Reagan said, “We must not let up until democracy has taken such full root that no one can put it out. Each time the Sandinistas walk through a new door for democracy . . . we must close it behind them and keep it shut.”
