
Role of Residents in Saving Tower Stressed

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While we appreciate Sam Hall Kaplan’s interest in the battle to save the Wilshire Tower at 5514 Wilshire Blvd. (Jan. 17), we would like to point out that the Miracle Mile Residential Assn. played a key role in the designation of the building as a historic landmark and the agreement to allow the developer to obtain a zone change on the adjoining parcel.

Only after community pressure on the City Council to enforce provisions of the 1976 edition of the General Plan were we able to effect a compromise, which, in effect, saved the historic building. Subsequent to those actions, Councilman John Ferraro’s office requested that the association meet with the developer to explore the possibilities for saving the property.

Under the guidance of Sharon Keyser, Councilman Ferraro’s deputy, the association met with the developer and members of the Los Angeles Conservancy and worked out a compromise that will, we hope, save the structure. The bulk of the effort was carried out under the direction of Nancy Michali, a member of our board of directors.


This type of innovative preservation work can only come about in conjunction with community activism centered on land-use planning.


Los Angeles

Christopher is chairman, Committee on Development, Miracle Mile Residential Assn.
