
Mayor’s Actions Draw Criticism

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What complete contempt Rancho Palos Verdes Mayor Robert Ryan and his cronies must have for the intelligence and perceptiveness of the residents and voters of their community. Your Feb. 11 edition reports in sickening detail the activities of the mayor in personally insuring that state law is interpreted to benefit the financial greed of the developers by denying the city much-needed revenue for its schools and its children.

This action is totally contrary to the intent and purpose for which this city was so recently incorporated. I am astonished that any politician would dare muster the chutzpah necessary to promote such a transparently unprincipled scheme.

If this is what democracy is all about on the local level, it is utterly hypocritical of us to criticize the communists for not installing the same form of government in the dominions under their control.



Rancho Palos Verdes
