
Donation for Brentwood Library

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I wish the other members of the Los Angeles City Council would accelerate Gloria Molina’s on-the-job training program to include a badly needed crash course in remedial common sense. When you represent both a constituency of city residents and the City of Los Angeles you don’t stir the pot by suggesting that the patrons of the Cypress Park branch library sue the city in an infantile show of sour grapes.

Glorya Kaufman’s pledge of $600,000 for the proposed Donald Kaufman Branch Library and coupled with an additional contributions to the Friends of the Brentwood Library is the sort of community spirit that Los Angeles should encourage.

Molina’s attempt to kill the city’s appropriation is an insolent display of “If I can’t have one you can’t either.” It’s mean in spirit. Molina’s efforts would be better spent trying to revitalize the business communities in the First District to attract money and jobs, not maintaining the soup kitchen mentality of representing a poor district. If she wants seed money for local libraries she might look to developers in the Pico Union-Crown Hill and Temple Beaudry areas.



Los Angeles
