
Quibbles & Bits

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. . . Plenty of great music has come out on compact disc. But already out on CD is the sound track from . . . “Rent-A-Cop.”

. . . Talk about getting no respect! The Her-Ex’s Weekend section proclaimed: “Director Spike Jones makes the grade with ‘School Daze.’ ” Say what? Did they mean Spike Lee?

. . . We also erred. Dale Dye did not make his acting debut in “Platoon,” as we asserted. He played a Martian-snuffing Marine in the remake of “Invaders From Mars.” He hefted an anti-tank rocket and mumbled a warning about “back blast.”


. . . “Talk to Win--Six Steps to a Successful Vocal Image” (by speech pathologist Lillian Glass, Ph.D., from Perigee Books) reveals the vocal techniques that helped “Rob Lowe perform his acclaimed role in ‘About Last Night’ ” and Dolph Lundgren to “win attention in ‘Rocky IV.’ ” We’re headed for the store right now!

. . . In “Liberace: The True Story,” author Bob Thomas talks of critics having a vendetta against the late pianist. “A particular enemy was Martin Bernheimer of The Los Angeles Times,” writes Thomas, who mentions a “slashing review” by our critic. Problem is, Bernheimer has never written a word about Liberace. Now Thomas says it might have been Bernheimer’s predecessor, Albert Goldberg. Or maybe not--Thomas can’t find the alleged review.

. . . KABC TalkRadio gabber Tom Snyder has apparently made the full swing from newsman to “personality.” He’s plugging a local toy train store in a radio spot.


. . . How to sell a film in foreign markets? Producer Robert Schnitzer is up front: “American girls dancing topless are a big attraction.” Good thing that his latest pic, (“Kandyland,” from New World Pics) has Playboy cover girl/centerfold Kim Evenson on board.
