
Southeast Leads as Chosen Location for Transferees

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Fifty-nine percent (about six out of every 10 individuals transferring from one location to another during 1987) moved to states in the Southeast and Northeast, according to figures compiled on transferee activity in 1987 by RELO/Inter-City Relocation Service of Chicago.

Southeastern states attracted 32% of transferee activity, the largest share, and states in the Northeast followed closely, experiencing a 27% share of the incoming relocation. Western states, including California (with 13% of the activity) lagged behind Midwestern states but were ahead of North Central states.

The data was received from the 1,200 member companies of the RELO network, which provides relocation services to individuals, many of them corporate transferees, such as selling a house in one community and purchasing a home in the new location.


The 1987 transferee activity generally followed population change trends and real estate sales reported last year. Key factors for relocation were activities by major corporations in opening new plants and expanding operations as well as economic conditions among the various states.

According to the RELO report, while current fluctuations in stock market prices on Wall Street are making some individuals more cautious about purchasing new homes, the stability of the real estate industry historically will cause more and more people to realize just how valuable an investment in a home can be.

The dollar value of all home sales reported by RELO members during 1987 totaled nearly $800 million.
