
‘Lids for the War Chests’

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Your editorial “Lids for the War Chests” (Feb. 7) was most timely and welcome. In the past few months I have had correspondence with Sens. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) and Pete Wilson (R-Calif.) on that very subject. Not too surprisingly, I received almost identical responses giving their reasons for their continuing support of the filibuster that has held S 2 (bill to set limits on campaign spending) hostage for so long. As a matter of fact, the two responses looked as though they had been produced by the same computer. We are encouraged to write to our elected officials but it looks pretty hopeless when their response is a message that in no way responds to the questions one might raise.

It was particularly interesting to read in the same issue of The Times that our beloved junior senator is the leading beneficiary of the PAC bottomless well. It makes one wonder who Wilson is representing.


El Monte
