
Jimmy Swaggart’s Tearful Confession

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Bakker and Swaggart are not examples of all Christians. These men have set Christianity back until they have made all of Christendom a laughingstock. The vast majority of real Christians are law-abiding, honest people who love their spouses and would not dream of cheating on them. I believe some of these TV evangelists are the people mentioned in the Bible, who we are told will come in the last days, deluding their listeners. There is one TV evangelist, Billy Graham, who has been preaching the Gospel for 45 years, and I have yet to hear any sex scandal regarding him. Everyone is quick to condemn someone who is a bad example, but very little is said about those who remain upright in their behavior.

You will find that many of the charismatic evangelists on TV today are dealing solely with emotionalism, and are in it mainly for financial gain. The really sincere Bible teachers do not make a big splash, but they have enough listeners who support them with their contributions so that they do not need to keep begging for money. The Lord supplies their needs.

Again I want to emphasize to those who are not born-again Christians. Please do not look to the Jim Bakkers and Jimmy Swaggarts as examples of the typical Christian. They are definitely in the minority. Most of us try to live by the 10 Commandments, so those around us can see Christ in our lives.



