
The State : Baby Is Off Life Support

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A baby girl born with most of her brain missing was breathing on her own after doctors at Loma Linda University Medical Center turned off life-support systems that had helped to preserve her organs for possible transplants. With the parents’ consent, physicians at 1952998688the child from artificial breathing equipment a week after her birth in San Antonio, Tex. “Baby Evelyn continues to breathe on her own, but shows signs of gradual deterioration,” said hospital spokeswoman Anita Rockwell. The infant was born with a fatal genetic defect called anencephaly, in which most of her brain and skull were missing. Doctors wanted to use her major organs for transplants to other children once she was declared brain dead. But Baby Evelyn never met the hospital’s criteria for brain death and will now be allowed to die naturally. Rockwell said damage done by oxygen deprivation makes it unlikely the baby’s organs will be used for transplant.
