
Still Bridling

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Kathleen Hendrix’s fine article (“The Unbridled Linguist,” Feb. 1) on Noam Chomsky and the intellectual and moral integrity he brings to the discussion of U.S. foreign policy (and his challenge to the press to be more forthright in presenting its darker side) could not be more timely.

We need more people like Chomsky who are not afraid to learn about the wider world and do not hide from the unpleasant truths about the United States that they might find there.

The Iran-Contra debacle should teach us that true patriotism requires the courage to stand up for the principles upon which our nation was founded, and not simple allegiance to a President who can make us feel good.


Thanks to Chomsky, and thousands like him who are there to help us turn our loss of innocence into productively directed energy.


Woodland Hills
