
Redondo Agency Drops Redevelopment Plan

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Times Staff Writer

The Redondo Beach Redevelopment Agency unanimously voted this week to abandon what was left of a controversial redevelopment proposal.

The agency--made up of the mayor and City Council members--had considered a redevelopment project in a large area that encompasses many parts of the city.

After much community protest, the agency scrapped most of the proposal a month ago, leaving a smaller area under consideration, including the commercial corridors along Artesia and Aviation boulevards.


Many residents and some business owners objected to the whittled-down proposal, saying the private sector should be left to improve business without government handouts.

Other business owners and City Manager Tim Casey argued this week that the appearance of the Artesia and Aviation corridors has not improved significantly in the last 20 years and that businesses need the financial assistance that redevelopment would provide.

Low-Interest Loans

Redevelopment projects provide grants, low-interest loans, rebates and other financing methods for improvements by allowing the agency to keep most of the money generated by higher property values.


Casey suggested that the agency consider amending the boundaries of the successful South Bay Center redevelopment project, which gave rise to the Galleria at South Bay, to include at least Artesia and Aviation boulevards. Amending the project would take about nine months, he said.

Four votes from the six-member agency are needed to take action. Mayor Barbara J. Doerr and Councilwoman Kay Horrell said they oppose the idea and are confident the private sector can improve the area on its own.

Councilmen Ronald Cawdrey and Archie Snow supported the idea, and Councilman John Chapman said he needed time to think about it. The sixth seat on the Redevelopment Agency, which represents City Council District 3, is vacant because of the resignation of Councilwoman Marcia Martin. A special election will be held Tuesday to fill the seat, but if none of the three candidates receive a majority vote, a runoff will be held May 10.
