
‘Leafing’ or ‘Loafing’?

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Your long piece “Leafing Through the Presidency” focusing on the numerous books written about the Reagan presidency is, to put it bluntly, a horror story. Quotes: Alexander Haig--”Which of the crew had the helm?” David Stockman--”What do you do when your President wanders in circles?” Tip O’Neill--”Reagan went in to meetings reading all his remarks from cue cards” and “I’ve known every President since Harry Truman and there’s no question in my mind that Ronald Reagan was the worst.”

And on and on it goes--wait until Ronald Reagan’s book comes out followed by Cap Weinberger’s and even Michael Reagan’s, Ronnie’s son by his first marriage, rumored to be a “Daddy Dearest” book.

But let’s be fair about all this. Who elected Ronnie to office? The American electorate, about 50% of the eligible voters as half of them don’t take the trouble to vote.


So, let’s face the inevitable fact--the voters don’t care about issues--just a likable personality.


North Hollywood
