
Gang Problems in Los Angeles

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The current controversy between the black community and the Los Angeles Police Department is being tainted by a tactic on the part of those from the black community who are speaking out in the name of the black community at rallies and press conferences.

These people can’t bash Police Chief Daryl Gates with one hand and coddle Mayor Tom Bradley with the other. That is beyond fairness and propriety. It is unfair to hold Gates accountable and not hold Bradley accountable. After all, Bradley appoints the Police Commission, not Gates.

I am a black who feels LAPD is guilty as charged. I am also intelligent enough and fair enough to realize that Gates didn’t make the problem. I have lived in Los Angeles under Chiefs William Parker, Thomas Reddin, Edward Davis and Gates. I rate Gates right there with Reddin as being fairly good considering the full complexities of police chief politics and survival.


Many of the same black community protesters were among the prime (Mayor Sam) Yorty-bashers in the community before Bradley became mayor. They blamed Yorty for everything. Yet in some 15 years they have vented their reactionary, protest brand of public relations sensationalism without challenging Bradley.

I further believe these “press conference dummies” should provide positive assertive leadership instead of continuing to whine, cry and pout after some happening or event. True leadership plans and projects in the best interest of the people and the community.


Los Angeles
