
‘Soldier of Misfortune’

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I was nodding in agreement with your editorial position on the mail-order murder in Texas when the last paragraph struck my eye, then stuck in my craw.

Yes, indeed, “conscientious publications do screen their advertising, to avoid what is tasteless. . . .”

Perhaps the folks in the editorial glass house are so busy selecting designer stones to throw that they overlook the almost daily ads in The Times Calendar section for “female mud and oil wrestling”--surely as tasteless and degrading an activity as we have invented in recent years.


And have these same folks not seen the full-page ads for sleazy, semi-pornographic and/or violent low-budget films that fill Calendar each Sunday?

The Times should take care when pointing that self-righteous petard at Soldier of Fortune; you’re in danger of being hoist upon it. If “tasteless” advertising is not acceptable in a conscientious publication like The Times, then someone should tell Advertising to exercise a little restraint.


Big Bear Lake
