
$3,134 Check to NOW Was Diverted, Court Is Told : Ex-Picus Aide Must Stand Trial in Theft

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Times Staff Writer

An aide to Councilwoman Joy Picus cashed a check for more than $3,000 that an elderly constituent had given her to donate to the National Organization for Women in memory of his deceased wife, a bank manager testified Tuesday.

Carlotta Z. Olguin, 39, was ordered by Los Angeles Municipal Judge Elva R. Soper to stand trial on one count of felony grand theft. Olguin is accused of taking $3,134.94 that belonged to 76-year-old Jack Newman.

Newman testified during Tuesday’s preliminary hearing that he had known Olguin, whose job entailed working with senior-citizen groups, for at least three years. After he became ill last year, Norman said, he sought Olguin’s help in donating the rest of his savings account to NOW because he “had full faith and trust in her.”


Newman testified that he had been planning to make a substantial contribution to NOW because his wife, who died in 1948, had been a feminist. He said he needed Olguin’s help because his hand shakes when he tries to write.

On Dec. 9, Olguin accompanied Newman to a Valley Federal Savings & Loan branch at 21031 Ventura Blvd. in Woodland Hills, where he withdrew $3,134.94 from his account, said Pari Rahimiam, assistant operations officer of the branch. A cashier’s check for that amount was made to Olguin, Rahimiam said.

On the same day, Olguin deposited $1,134.94 of the money into her account at a Bank of America branch at 8324 Van Nuys Blvd., Panorama City, testified Allison LaChapelle, a management associate at that bank. Olguin received the other $2,000 in cash, LaChapelle said.


Eight weeks later, Newman visited the local chapter of NOW on La Cienega Boulevard to find out why he had received no acknowledgment of his contribution, he testified. After being told that no contribution had been received in his name, he confronted Olguin, he testified.

Olguin denied that she had the money, Newman testified, and said that she would notify him as soon as she received word that NOW had received the check. Newman went to police two weeks later, after he heard nothing from Olguin, Deputy Dist. Atty. Edward G. Feldman said.

Olguin was arrested Feb. 18 and placed on unpaid leave from the councilwoman’s office. She has since repaid the money to Newman, including about $44 in interest, said her attorney, Robert F. Johnson.


Newman, who moved from Woodland Hills to Long Beach last year, testified that he donated $2,600 to NOW after receiving the check.

Olguin is free on her own recognizance. Her arraignment is scheduled Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court.
