
Women and the Church

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In the March 13 edition, you misrepresented me as saying that “women are threatened by the idea of women as priests.” What I said was “since religious women, as a group, are the most well-educated single group in the United States, priests (all of whom are male in the Roman Catholic Church) are threatened by religious women because they are able to support what they believe both by their experience and their education.”

What is distressing to me about this misinterpretation, and the entire article, including the picture of the nuns in traditional habit passing up the invitations to attend the women’s rights workshop, is that the reader gets the impression that the struggle here is “women vs. women.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. Women are struggling against the systemic injustice that exists in our male-dominated church and society.



Peace and Justice Center

of Southern California

Los Angeles
