
Air Quality in the Southland

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In response to the article “Leaders Voice Concern Over Clean Air Plan” (Metro, March 11):

It is my feeling that the measures initiated by the AQMD to improve the quality of our air do not betray a “religious fervor,” but show rather a commitment to aggressively pursue compliance with the Clean Air Act.

The requirements to reduce industrial emissions are both welcome and overdue; that the affected industries are against such measures should be taken for granted. Requiring fleet vehicles to run on methanol will provide a good basis to judge what effect blended fuels will have on car and bus engines. Finally, the public support for a bus and car pool lane on the Ventura Freeway can be judged very easily: Ask the public! Certainly bus and car pool lanes receive intensive rush hour use elsewhere.

The mythic view of Los Angeles is of an arcadia shrouded in a petrochemical haze. With aggressive leadership by the AQMD, we can begin to lift the shroud off our arcadia.



