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The front page of The Times (March 19) included a headline which stated “500 Seized in Several U.S. Protests on Troop Moves.” The article stated the protests were reminiscent of the Vietnam War era.

There was another headline of the very same page which stated “Cambodian Refugees--Life in Limbo.” The article told of the outrageously pitiful lives which these Cambodians are presently forced to endure.

By coincidence the timing of these two articles was excellent. The protests of the Vietnam War era were directly responsible for the present condition of these Cambodians. The U.S. lost; the protesters’ side won; the misery began.


Now we see the same protests regarding Central America. These protesters have quite vividly seen what such actions brought about in Southeast Asia. The unbelievable misery, deaths and destruction seen after the Americans left is a lesson all should heed. Yet quite obviously the protesters wish these same terrible results on other parts of the world now that they have hurt Southeast Asia.

History has shown the absolute horror which the actions of these protesters brought in the past. It defies civilized decency and logic for any human being to wallow in the same protests again.


Long Beach
