
Classified Israeli Iran Probe Data Given to Walsh

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Associated Press

Israel has handed over classified documents to independent counsel Lawrence E. Walsh for his Iran-Contra investigation under a cooperation agreement reached after a year of negotiations, an Israeli official said Monday.

In return, Walsh apparently agreed to revoke his subpoenas of four Israelis who arranged the 1985 and 1986 shipments of U.S.-made anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Iran, the official and a U.S. lawyer indicated.

Israel’s government wanted the subpoenas dropped, contending that all four Israelis were acting under its orders and, thus, were immune from prosecution and questioning by U.S. officials.


Israeli Clearance Required

The agreement with Walsh is “on a government-to-government” basis, said Israeli Embassy spokesman Yossi Gal, which means that any questions for the four must be channeled through official Israeli representatives.

Last year, Walsh subpoenaed Israeli arms dealer Yaacov Nimrodi, Israeli businessman Al Schwimmer, former Foreign Ministry director general David Kimche and government counterterrorism adviser Amiram Nir. Nir resigned last week.

Walsh and the Israeli Embassy issued brief statements announcing the cooperation agreement but said the contents will remain classified.


The documents handed over to Walsh include detailed financial and historical chronologies prepared by Israel for the congressional Iran-Contra committees last summer, the Israeli official said.

When Israel gave the chronologies to Congress, it stipulated that Walsh be denied access to them because of his refusal to grant immunity to the four Israelis.

Provide Written Answers

Along with the documents, Walsh has been given written answers to questions posed last year by the congressional investigators with regard to the chronologies, the official said.


The documents are expected to help Walsh answer some of his questions about Israel’s Swiss bank account, which handled the funds for the shipments to Iran.

Walsh wanted the information to help him corroborate his case against Marine Lt. Col. Oliver L. North, the fired National Security Council staff member; former National Security Adviser John M. Poindexter, retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard V. Secord and Secord’s partner, Albert A. Hakim.
