
CAMPAIGN ’88 : Paper Endorses Gore

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Gore’s campaign received a potentially important boost when it landed the endorsement this weekend of Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, the Milwaukee Journal.

Gore had previously been endorsed by the city’s other newspaper, the Sentinel.

“It’s a significant political development, and I’m mighty proud of it,” Gore told about 200 people who waited for more than a hour while the candidate’s campaign plane was grounded by a storm. Gore said he hoped the endorsement, printed in the Journal’s editions today, could sway uncommitted voters and help give him a respectable showing in Tuesday’s primary.

A costly Gore media campaign is under way in Wisconsin, but the campaign has backed far away from its early hopes of victory. Campaign advisers now say Gore hopes only to defeat Simon and knock him out of the race.


A poll published today in the Journal gave Dukakis a lead--43% to 35%--over Jackson. In a similar poll two weeks earlier, he led Jackson 38% to 30%.

Gore made a significant gain in the period between polls, lifting his support to 15% from 10%. Simon slipped from 11% to 5%.

The poll was based on interviews with 845 Wisconsin adults. The margin of error was plus or minus 5 percentage points.
