
Terrorism in the Mideast

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I returned a few days ago from our rabbis convention in Jerusalem, and I wish to share some special impressions. Following the convention, Israel’s chief chaplain of prisons and hospitals arranged for my visits to a number of facilities in a variety of locations.

At the juvenile prison in Telmond, I spoke with several Palestinian stone throwers and firebombers. They told me that Christian and Muslim clergy see them regularly, and that they are treated well under the circumstances. It did my heart good to hear that their Arab and Jewish attorneys have access to them on a regular basis. The same conditions prevail for adult Palestinians who are incarcerated in the large prison in Ramle and other correctional institutions.

Furthermore, my visitations with Arab patients in several Israeli hospitals proved to be equally satisfying. They are integrated with the Jewish patients in each hospital and are treated with respect and compassion. In hospitals, too, Christian and Muslim clergy visit their sick communicants frequently.


Moreover, provisions are made in prisons and hospitals for Christian and Muslim religious services whenever requests are made.

How wonderful it is to report that Israel’s institutional officials are faithfully fulfilling their Biblical commandment: “Listen compassionately to the plea of the prisoner” (Psalm 102:20).


Director of Chaplaincy

Board of Rabbis of Southern Calif.

Los Angeles
