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A clever cartoon, one might think. But Conrad has forgotten, or never knew, some recent history. During the period from 1948 (end of British rule) to 1967, East Jerusalem was held by Jordan, and no Jews or Israelis were allowed to enter that part of Jerusalem under any circumstances. Moreover, Jewish religious sites were desecrated during those 19 years of Arab rule. Such practices ended with the occupation by Israel, and two-way traffic, both Jew and Arab, was free.

Since Conrad seems to indulge in Israeli bashing, I might remind him also (in the spirit of his cartoon) that Jesus, being a Jew, would not be subject to the Israeli ban on travel.

The situation in the occupied areas of Israel (not in Jerusalem itself, by the way) is terribly unfortunate. Israel, hitherto the only free democracy in the Middle East, has had to resort to punitive measures in order to protect itself from relentless enemies who only want to destroy Israel. Conrad can use his talents to good purpose by showing the much greater injustices being perpetrated in the other countries of the world.



Santa Monica
