
The Future of Central America

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The piece by Vaky is right on. The timing is right to use diplomacy and an economic strategy to not only bring peace to Central America, but pressure on the Sandinistas to live up to their agreements under the Arias peace plan. The U.S. Administration’s ends were not consistent with the means, as overthrowing the Sandinistas through the Contras was never a national policy with costs that were politically feasible.

But assuming, as the Administration has, that the Contras forced the Sandinistas to the peace table, now is the time to make the ends and means consistent.

The ends are the security of the United States which will be enhanced by a secure, stable, peaceful and economically viable Central America.


The means are economic assistance tied to compliance to the Arias plan. This would be a powerful lever. It would not cost any more than we are now spending on military efforts in the area.


