
The State - News from April 8, 1988

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A North Carolina company has contributed $100,000 to a June 7 ballot campaign aimed at keeping the Rancho Seco nuclear power plant in operation. Duke Power Co. defended the contribution as consistent with its commitment to the nuclear power industry and its negotiations on a plan to operate Rancho Seco for Sacramento Municipal Utility District. “We feel if part of the arrangement is that Duke is going to operate Rancho Seco, the voters have a right to know who we are,” company representative Cathy Roche said. “When the public is well-informed about safe and successful nuclear plants, they are more willing to accept it in their community.” The contribution will support a referendum that asks voters to approve continued operation of the plant, recently restarted after a 27-month shutdown. SMUD Director Ed Smeloff objected to the involvement by Duke. “It’s outrageous,” he said. “Here they’re trying to manipulate the voters to buy them a lucrative, long-term contract.”
