
Controversy Over Meese

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James Gerstenzang says some critics believe that only one thing can force Meese to yield his office: pressure from First Lady Nancy Reagan (Part I, March 30). “Somebody’s got to get her to make this happen . . . “ a former White House official was quoted as saying.

My worst suspicions seem to be confirmed. In the past, when I felt the need to comment on the course our government was taking, I have addressed the President, only to have my letters dismissed as products of “a special interest group.” It would now appear that my efforts should have been directed to Mrs. Reagan.

Any comments that I may want to direct to our head of state will henceforth be addressed to Mrs. Reagan, including this:


Dear Nancy: Would you please tell Ronnie that it’s time for his buddy Ed to think about something other than his own narrow self-interests and, for the good of this country, to call it quits. Thanks.


Los Angeles
