
Hollywood Housing

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The Hollywood community’s anger over the development of a low-cost housing project is a prime example of a good idea encountering opposition because of who supports it, rather than on its merits.

Councilman Michael Woo has alienated thousands of Hollywood residents for his double talk on slow-growth and simultaneous acceptance of contributions from Hollywood Redevelopment beneficiaries and developers for his support of a project that will increase the already choking community’s density sevenfold.

He has also managed to alienate thousands more with his support for the trails and overlooks along Mulholland Drive which have attracted drugs, crime, fire and prostitution to this once peaceful area.


The word seems to go around these days that if one wants something done in Hollywood, one better solicit Woo’s blessings, but if one needs public support for it, one should better avoid him.

The avant-garde chose a mistrusted spokesman and lost when it met the public.


Los Angeles
