
Democrats and Jesse Jackson

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William Raspberry I salute you again! (“Fairness Demands That Democrats Embrace Jackson,” Op-Ed Page, April 1). The majority of black folks, (and do not delete folks, I’m tired of being referred to as “a black” by the media; a black what?), are Democrats. If enough of us get a whiff of this odious “anyone-but-Jesse Jackson” movement from “our” party leaders, there might not be much left of the Democratic Party.

Jackson is a breath of fresh air, and not so “ultra-liberal” as many of those with less vision would like to claim. If the Democratic nomination cannot be a people decision, if the party leaders must make up rules as they go along, if the party is going to support or reject a candidate on the basis of skin color, rather than merit, (or lack of it), then I’d rather switch parties and fight this sickness from the other side! White voter backlash is not the only backlash there is.


Los Angeles
